CEAVA Wood Division produces and sells walnut gunstock blanks
Ceava Wood Division was born in early 90’s, entering the supply and purchase market of walnut wooden gunstock blanks for automatic, over-under guns and rifles.
CEAVA Wood Division, since his birth, has managed do build up a consistent number of suppliers all over Europe, paying particular attention to those geographical areas that provide the best condition for walnut trees to grow, such as Turkey, Georgia, Bulgaria, Iran, Iraq and Caspian Russia. The task of CEAVA Wood Division is to pursue and find, among his suppliers, gunstock blanks obtained from high quality walnut, and then make this material available to our customers. An extraordinary attention is paid to the processing the gunstock blanks undergo, in order to match completely the necessities of our customers and in order to assure quality continuous in time.
For these reasons the company not only make use of the work of different firearms experts but it also take advantage of the direct involving of the company owners during the selection of each blank. CEAVA Wood Division has been exposing at the major international Hunting and Sporting Arms exhibits such as EXA at Brixia (Italy) and IWA at Nurnberg (Germany).
CEAVA Wood Division thanks to the great care paid to this business area, has managed to become an important and reliable supply partner regarding wooden gunstock blanks for the major Italy, Europe and World’s firearms and sporting arms producers.